Renewable Heating

You can heat your home without heating the planet

The most effective way is the  Heat Pump which allows you to generate heat and hot water all year round using the energy in the air around you. The more affordable is the Air Source Heat Pump, and the alternative is a Ground Source Heat Pump. Both work by condensing and heating water particles, and pushing them around a flow system which heats your home.

Heat pumps allow you to harness a sustainable energy source to deliver low-cost heating and hot water all year round. Correctly specified and installed heat pumps provide >3kW of heat for every 1 kW of electricity that is used to power the pump*. Key to a heat pump running in an environmentally way is the generation method for the electricity used to run it, changing to a renewable energy provider such as Good Energy ensures you are encouraging renewable generation and running your house from renewable energy in a way that gas or oil boiler can never achieve.

*We achieve 4.5/1 ratios in many locations (Ratios are often shown as a SCOP factor (Seasonal coefficient of performance)  ie: a SCOP of 4.5.

If you are already a solar power user, there are some additional technologies you can utilise for heating, such as solar immersion controllers.

You can even get paid for being green through the Renewable Heat Incentive

Nothing beats the luxury of underfloor heating.

Not only that, but having underfloor heating can reduce the ongoing costs of heating your home with a heat pump as flow temperatures can be lower. For new builds and extensive renovation projects it is worth considering installing underfloor heating as well.


Retro fitting heat pumps may require upsizing radiators

Where underfloor heating is not practical or in the upper floors radiators will still work well. Where possible these will be upsized from the size required from a fossil fuel boiler and run at a lower temperature although the latest generation of heat pumps can deliver high temperature flow rates to work with regular radiators.

As a rule the larger a heat emitter the lower flow temperature and greater efficiency of the heat pump but there are many other factors such as the insulation and draught proofing of the property that can mean heat pumps are the best option for heating. Usually we can give initial feed back regarding a given property’s suitability, guide install costs, RHI and running costs from the EPC and basic information you can provide. If it looks viable we can then produce full heat loss calculations and a detailed quote

Check our Heat Pumps page and contact us to find out more about heat pumps in different property types.

Future proof your home

On the 27 June 2019, the UK became the first major economy in the world to pass a net zero emissions target into law.* This target will require the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, and all new builds constructed from 2019 will be ‘future-proofed’ with renewable heating and electricity in order to lower the carbon emission of homes by 75-80%.* With households currently producing 20% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, this is a necessary change.

The Future Homes Standard will require new build homes to be future-proofed with low carbon heating and world-leading levels of energy efficiency…by 2025

The current rate of heat pump installation in the UK is at a level much lower than that necessary to meet the ambition of the Future Homes Standard.* You can be part of the change by getting a quote for your property today.

*The Future Homes Standard 2019 consultation document can be found here

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